Monday, March 13, 2006

Remarks of Senator Russ Feingold!

Here is someone with guts enough to at least question Bush's authority! Where is Kennedy & Kerry or Hillary?

Remarks of Senator Russ Feingold
Introducing a Resolution to Censure President George W. Bush

March 13, 2006

Mr. President, when the President of the United States breaks the law, he must be held accountable. That is why today I am introducing a resolution to censure President George W. Bush.

The President authorized an illegal program to spy on American citizens on American soil, and then misled Congress and the public about the existence and legality of that program. It is up to this body to reaffirm the rule of law by condemning the President’s actions.

All of us in this body took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and bear true allegiance to the same. Fulfilling that oath requires us to speak clearly and forcefully when the President violates the law. This resolution allows us to send a clear message that the President’s conduct was wrong.

And we must do that. The President’s actions demand a formal judgment from Congress.

At moments in our history like this, we are reminded why the founders balanced the powers of the different branches of government so carefully in the Constitution. At the very heart of our system of government lies the recognition that some leaders will do wrong, and that others in the government will then bear the responsibility to do right.

This President has done wrong. This body can do right by condemning his conduct and showing the people of this nation that his actions will not be allowed to stand unchallenged.

To date, members of Congress have responded in very different ways to the President’s conduct. Some are responding by defending his conduct, ceding him the power he claims, and even seeking to grant him expanded statutory authorization powers to make his conduct legal. While we know he is breaking the law, we do not know the details of what the President has authorized or whether there is any need to change the law to allow it, yet some want to give him carte blanche to continue his illegal conduct. To approve the President’s actions now, without demanding a full inquiry into this program, a detailed explanation for why the President authorized it, and accountability for his illegal actions, would be irresponsible. It would be to abandon the duty of the legislative branch under our constitutional system of separation of powers while the President recklessly grabs for power and ignores the rule of law.

Others in Congress have taken important steps to check the President. Senator Specter has held hearings on the wiretapping program in the Judiciary Committee. He has even suggested that Congress may need to use the power of the purse in order to get some answers out of the Administration. And Senator Byrd has proposed that Congress establish an independent commission to investigate this program.

As we move forward, Congress will need to consider a range of possible actions, including investigations, independent commissions, legislation, or even impeachment. But, at a minimum, Congress should censure a president who has so plainly broken the law.

Our founders anticipated that these kinds of abuses would occur. Federalist Number 51 speaks of the Constitution’s system of checks and balances:

“It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.”

Mr. President, we are faced with an executive branch that places itself above the law. The founders understood that the branches must check each other to control abuses of government power. The president’s actions are such an abuse, Mr. President. His actions must be checked, and he should be censured.

This President exploited the climate of anxiety after September 11, 2001, both to push for overly intrusive powers in the Patriot Act, and to take us into a war in Iraq that has been a tragic diversion from the critical fight against al Qaeda and its affiliates. In both of those instances, however, Congress gave its approval to the President’s actions, however mistaken that approval may have been.

That was not the case with the illegal domestic wiretapping program authorized by the President shortly after September 11th. The President violated the law, ignored the Constitution and the other two branches of government, and disregarded the rights and freedoms upon which our country was founded. No one questions whether the government should wiretap suspected terrorists. Of course we should, and we can under current law. If there were a demonstrated need to change that law, Congress could consider that step. But instead the President is refusing to follow that law while offering the flimsiest of arguments to justify his misconduct. He must be held accountable for his actions.

The facts are straightforward: Congress passed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, known as “FISA”, nearly 30 years ago to ensure that as we wiretap suspected terrorists and spies, we also protect innocent Americans from unjustified government intrusion. FISA makes it a crime to wiretap Americans on U.S. soil without the requisite warrants, and the President has ordered warrantless wiretaps of Americans on U.S. soil. The President has broken that law, and that alone is unacceptable. But the President did much more than that.

Not only did the President break the law, he also actively misled Congress and the American people about his actions, and then, when the program was made public, about the legality of the NSA program.

He has fundamentally violated the trust of the American people.

The President’s own words show just how seriously he has violated that trust.

We now know that the NSA wiretapping program began not long after September 11th. Before the existence of this program was revealed, the President went out of his way in several speeches to assure the public that the government was getting court orders to wiretap Americans in the United States – something that he now admits was not the case.

On April 20, 2004, for example, the President told an audience in Buffalo that: “Any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires – a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way.”

In fact, a lot had changed, but the President wasn’t being upfront with the American people.

Just months later, on July 14, 2004, in my own state of Wisconsin, the President said that: “Any action that takes place by law enforcement requires a court order. In other words, the government can't move on wiretaps or roving wiretaps without getting a court order.”

Last summer, on June 9, 2005, the President spoke in Columbus, Ohio, and again insisted that his administration was abiding by the laws governing wiretaps. “Law enforcement officers need a federal judge's permission to wiretap a foreign terrorist's phone, a federal judge's permission to track his calls, or a federal judge's permission to search his property. Officers must meet strict standards to use any of these tools. And these standards are fully consistent with the Constitution of the U.S.”

In all of these cases, the President knew he wasn’t telling the complete story. But engaged in tough political battle during the presidential campaign, and later over Patriot Act reauthorization, he wanted to convince the public that a systems of checks and balances was in place to protect innocent people from government snooping. He knew when he gave those reassurances that he had authorized the NSA to bypass the very system of checks and balances that he was using as a shield against criticisms of the Patriot Act and his Administration’s performance.

This conduct is unacceptable. The President had a duty to play it straight with the American people. But for political purposes, he ignored that duty.

After a New York Times story exposed the NSA program in December of last year, the White House launched an intensive effort to mislead the American people yet again. No one would come to testify before Congress until February, but the President’s surrogates held press conferences and made speeches to try to convince the public that he had acted lawfully.

Most troubling of all, the President himself participated in this disinformation campaign. In the State of the Union address, he implied that the program was necessary because otherwise the government would be unable to wiretap terrorists at all. That is simply untrue. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. You don’t need a warrant to wiretap terrorists overseas – period. You do need a warrant to wiretap Americans on American soil and Congress passed FISA specifically to lay out the rules for these types of domestic wiretaps.

FISA created a secret court, made up of judges who develop national security expertise, to issue warrants for surveillance of suspected terrorists and spies. These are the judges from whom the Bush Administration has obtained thousands of warrants since 9/11. They are the judges who review applications for business records orders and wiretapping authority under the Patriot Act. The Administration has almost never had a warrant request rejected by those judges. It has used the FISA Court thousands of times, but at the same time it asserts that FISA is an “old law” or “out of date” in this age of terrorism and can’t be complied with. Clearly, the Administration can and does comply with it – except when it doesn’t. Then it just arbitrarily decides to go around these judges, and around the law.

The Administration has said that it ignored FISA because it takes too long to get a warrant under that law. But we know that in an emergency, where the Attorney General believes that surveillance must begin before a court order can be obtained, FISA permits the wiretap to be executed immediately as long as the government goes to the court within 72 hours. The Attorney General has complained that the emergency provision does not give him enough flexibility, he has complained that getting a FISA application together or getting the necessary approvals takes too long. But the problems he has cited are bureaucratic barriers that the executive branch put in place, and could remove if it wanted.

FISA also permits the Attorney General to authorize unlimited warrantless electronic surveillance in the United States during the 15 days following a declaration of war, to allow time to consider any amendments to FISA required by a wartime emergency. That is the time period that Congress specified. Yet the President thinks that he can do this indefinitely.

The President has argued that Congress gave him authority to wiretap Americans on U.S. soil without a warrant when it passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force after September 11, 2001. Mr. President, that is ridiculous. Members of Congress did not pass this resolution to give the President blanket authority to order warrantless wiretaps. We all know that. Anyone in this body who would tell you otherwise either wasn’t here at the time or isn’t telling the truth. We authorized the President to use military force in Afghanistan, a necessary and justified response to September 11. We did not authorize him to wiretap American citizens on American soil without going through the process that was set up nearly three decades ago precisely to facilitate the domestic surveillance of terrorists – with the approval of a judge. That is why both Republicans and Democrats have questioned this theory.

This particular claim is further undermined by congressional approval of the Patriot Act just a few weeks after we passed the Authorization for the Use of Military Force. The Patriot Act made it easier for law enforcement to conduct surveillance on suspected terrorists and spies, while maintaining FISA’s baseline requirement of judicial approval for wiretaps of Americans in the U.S. It is ridiculous to think that Congress would have negotiated and enacted all the changes to FISA in the Patriot Act if it thought it had just authorized the President to ignore FISA in the AUMF.

In addition, in the intelligence authorization bill passed in December 2001, we extended the emergency authority in FISA, at the Administration’s request, from 24 to 72 hours. Why do that if the President has the power to ignore FISA? That makes no sense at all.

The President has also said that his inherent executive power gives him the power to approve this program. But here the President is acting in direct violation of a criminal statute. That means his power is, as Justice Jackson said in the steel seizure cases half a century ago, “at its lowest ebb.” A letter from a group of law professors and former executive branch officials points out that “every time the Supreme Court has confronted a statute limiting the Commander-in-Chief’s authority, it has upheld the statute.” The Senate reports issued when FISA was enacted confirm the understanding that FISA overrode any pre-existing inherent authority of the President. As the 1978 Senate Judiciary Committee report stated, FISA “recognizes no inherent power of the president in this area.” And “Congress has declared that this statute, not any claimed presidential power, controls.” Contrary to what the President told the country in the State of the Union, no court has ever approved warrantless surveillance in violation of FISA.

The President’s claims of inherent executive authority, and his assertions that the courts have approved this type of activity, are baseless.

But it is one thing to make a legal argument that has no real support in the law. It is much worse to do what the President has done, which is to make misleading statements about what prior Presidents have done and what courts have approved, to try to make the public believe his legal arguments are much stronger than they are.

For example, in the State of the Union, the President argued that federal courts have approved the use of presidential authority that he was invoking. I asked the Attorney General about this when he came before the Judiciary Committee, and he could point me to no court – not the Supreme Court or any other court – that has considered whether, after FISA was enacted, the President nonetheless had the authority to bypass it and authorize warrantless wiretaps. Not one court. The Administration’s effort to find support for what it has done in snippets of other court decisions would be laughable if this issue were not so serious.

In the same speech, the President referred to other Presidents in American history who cited executive authority to order warrantless surveillance. But of course, those past presidents – like Wilson and Roosevelt – were acting before the Supreme Court decided in 1967 that our communications are protected by the Fourth Amendment, and before Congress decided in 1978 that the executive branch could no longer unilaterally decide which Americans to wiretap. I asked the Attorney General about this issue when he testified before the Judiciary Committee. And neither he nor anyone in the Administration has been able to come up with a single prior example of wiretapping inside the United States since 1978 that was conducted outside FISA’s authorization.

So the President’s arguments in the State of the Union were baseless, and it is unacceptable that the President of the United States would so obviously mislead the Congress and American public.

The President also has argued that periodic internal executive branch review provides an adequate check on the program. He has even characterized this periodic review as a safeguard for civil liberties. But we don’t know what this check involves. And we do know that Congress explicitly rejected this idea of unilateral executive decision-making in this area when it passed FISA.

Finally, the President has tried to claim that informing a handful of congressional leaders, the so-called Gang of Eight, somehow excuses breaking the law. Of course, several of these members said they weren’t given the full story. And all of them were prohibited from discussing what they were told. So the fact that they were informed under these extraordinary circumstances does not constitute congressional oversight, and it most certainly does not constitute congressional approval of the program.

Indeed, it doesn’t even comply with the National Security Act, which requires the entire memberships of the House and Senate Intelligence Committee to be “fully and currently informed of the intelligence activities of the United States.” Nor does the latest agreement to allow a seven-member subcommittee to review the program comply with the law. Granting a minority of the committee access to information is inadequate and still does not comply with the law requiring that the full committee be kept fully informed.

In addition, we now know that some of the Gang of Eight expressed concern about the program. The Administration ignored their protests. One of the eight members of Congress who has been briefed about the program, Congresswoman Jane Harman, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, has said she sees no reason why the Administration cannot accomplish its goals within the law as currently written.

None of the President’s arguments explains or excuses his conduct, or the NSA’s domestic spying program. Not one. It is hard to believe that the President has the audacity to claim that they do.

And perhaps that is what is most troubling here, Mr. President. Even more troubling than the arguments the President has made is what he relies on to make them convincing – the credibility of the office of the President itself. He essentially argues that the American people should trust him simply because of the office he holds.

But Presidents don’t serve our country by just asking for trust, they must earn that trust, and they must tell the truth.

This President hides behind flawed legal arguments, and even behind the office he holds, but he cannot hide from what he has created: nothing short of a constitutional crisis. The President has violated the law, and Congress must respond. Congress must investigate and demand answers. Congress should also determine whether current law is inadequate and address that deficiency if it is demonstrated. But before doing so, Congress should ensure that there is accountability for authorizing illegal conduct.

A formal censure by Congress is an appropriate and responsible first step to assure the public that when the President thinks he can violate the law without consequences, Congress has the will to hold him accountable. If Congress does not reaffirm the rule of law, we will create another failure of leadership, and deal another blow to the public’s trust.

The President’s wrongdoing demands a response. And not just a response that prevents wrongdoing in the future, but a response that passes judgment on what has happened. We in the Congress bear the responsibility to check a President who has violated the law, who continues to violate the law, and who has not been held accountable for his actions.

Passing a resolution to censure the President is a way to hold this President accountable. A resolution of censure is a time-honored means for the Congress to express the most serious disapproval possible, short of impeachment, of the Executive’s conduct. It is different than passing a law to make clear that certain conduct is impermissible or to cut off funding for certain activities. Both of those alternatives are ways for Congress to affect future action. But when the President acts illegally, he should be formally rebuked. He should be censured.

The founders anticipated abuses of executive power by creating a balance of powers in the Constitution. Supporting and defending the Constitution, as we have taken an oath to do, require us to preserve that balance, and to have the will to act. We must meet a serious transgression by the President with a serious response. We must work, as the founders urged us in Federalist Number 51, to control the abuses of government.

The Constitution looks to the Congress to right the balance of power. The American people look to us to take action, to speak out, with one clear voice, against wrongdoing by the President of the United States. In our system of government, no one, not even the President, is above the law.

Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the text of the resolution be printed in the Record following my remarks. I yield the floor.

# # #

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Wrong Then ! and Wrong Now!

March 12, 2006

Experts: Vietnam errors replay in Iraq

BOSTON - Former Nixon adviser Alexander Haig said military leaders in Iraq are repeating a mistake made in Vietnam by not applying the full force of the military to win the war.

''Every asset of the nation must be applied to the conflict to bring about a quick and successful outcome, or don't do it,'' Haig said. ''We're in the midst of another struggle where it appears to me we haven't learned very much.''

The comments by Haig, also a secretary of state under President Reagan, came yesterday at a conference at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum examining the Vietnam War and the American presidency.

The conference brought together advisers from the Nixon, Johnson and Kennedy administrations, and talk turned to Iraq, where the panelists saw parallels with Vietnam.

Former Nixon Secretary of State Henry Kissinger made a rare appearance at the conference. Kissinger said he agreed to come out of admiration for the Kennedy family.

Kissinger was greeted outside by about 25 protesters who chanted ''Kissinger should go to jail, no bail.'' He refused to directly respond to a question, submitted by the audience and read by a moderator, that asked if he wanted to apologize for policies that led to so many deaths in Vietnam.

''This is not the occasion,'' Kissinger said. ''We have to start from the assumption that serious people were making serious decisions. So that's the sort of question that's highly inappropriate.''

In another audience question, Kissinger was asked if he agreed that the U.S. bombing of Cambodia led to the rise of the Khmer Rouge, and, if so, was he responsible for the 2 million people the Khmer Rouge killed?

''The premise that the bombing of a 5-mile strip led to the rise of Khmer Rouge and the murder of 2 million people is an example of masochism that is really inexcusable,'' he said.

Kissinger said the Vietnam War ''has fundamentally affected my life in the sense that the Nixon debate doesn't ever seem to end and for many I am the surviving symbol of the Nixon administration.''

Kissinger also spoke about the war in Iraq, saying he supported the invasion.

''We have a jihadist radical situation,'' he said. ''If the U.S. fails in Iraq, then the consequences will be that it motivates more to move toward the radical side. This is the challenge.''

Former Johnson adviser Jack Valenti said that the lessons of Vietnam have been ''forgotten or ignored'' in Iraq.

''No president can win a war when public support for that war begins to decline and evaporate,'' he said.

Valenti, former head of the Motion Picture Association, added there was no such thing as a good war, saying ''all wars are inhumane, brutal, callous and full of depravity.''

(Published: March 12, 2006)

Cape may become a health care model

An idea is cooking and rising on Cape Cod on how to deliver health care in a fair and equitable way to every person who lives in Barnstable County.

Cape Care is the brainchild of Dr. Brian O'Malley, who, as a physician, knows firsthand the reality of the fractured, confusing, grossly expensive and utterly unjust system we now operate under.

This idea envisions one county monetary fund from which all medical payments would be made for all medical expenditures for all people on Cape Cod. It would be funded by a progressive tax or premium, where people pay relative to what they can afford, and already available state and federal funds such as Medicaid, Medicare and Mass Health.

Money would be saved by not paying out to for-profit insurance companies and by cutting out most of the enormous administration costs needed now to run doctors' offices, administer hospitals and operate any kind of medical institution or business. Towns and municipalities that carry health policies for their employees would be relieved of that burden, allowing for lower taxes. Health care coverage would be separated from employment.

Cape Care and its monetary fund would be professionally administered, governed by a health policy board representing the community and a medical advisory board representing the health care providers. As envisioned now, preventive health services, acute care (outpatient and inpatient), rehabilitation services, mental health care and prescription drugs would be included. People would be free to choose from affiliated care providers.

For three years this plan has been worked on and developed by interested people from all over the Cape representing the medical, social services and business communities. It is now being introduced to the Cape Cod public by way of a nonbinding public opinion advisory question that will appear on the warrant at town meetings in 13 Cape towns.

Now, before town meeting time, people can learn about this idea at planned informational forums (dates to be announced), from the Cape Care Web site,, and from copies of the resolution annotated with explanations, which will be available at libraries. Then people can discuss it with their neighbors, their doctor and the people who have been working on the plan and come to town meeting to help push the Cape Care concept to the county level by supporting the resolution.

At the county level it will be investigated and analyzed further as to its feasibility for Cape Cod. Then the work begins on an operational blueprint that points the way to making Cape Care a reality. With luck, next year we will be voting on a binding referendum and be on our way to becoming a model for the country of a humane and affordable health care system for every Cape Codder.

Sarah Thacher lives in

East Dennis.

(Published: March 9, 2006)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Law Requiring Colleges to Provide Equal Access to Military Recruiters

Today's News

Monday, March 6, 2006

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Law Requiring Colleges to Provide Equal Access to Military Recruiters



The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously this morning that the federal government can withhold federal funds from colleges that bar or restrict military recruiting on their campuses.

In an 21-page opinion written by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., the court rejected arguments that colleges have a First Amendment right to exclude recruiters whose hiring practices conflict with their own antidiscrimination policies.

The court's ruling was a victory for the Department of Defense, which had argued that recruiting restrictions hamper its ability to bring talented lawyers into the Judge Advocate General's Corps, which handles legal affairs for the military.

The decision dealt a final blow to efforts by a coalition of law schools to strike down the Solomon amendment, a decade-old law that allows the government to deny federal funds to colleges that limit recruiting. Law schools have contended that the statute infringes on their constitutional freedoms of speech and association by forcing them to convey the military's message and to assist an employer who discriminates against gay men and lesbians in hiring.

The Supreme Court's decision in Rumsfeld v. Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights, No. 04-1152, overturned a 2004 ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, which found that the military had failed to show that its recruiting needs justified the intrusion on law schools' constitutional rights. In its ruling, the appeals court cited a 2000 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, that allowed the Boy Scouts to exclude a gay assistant scoutmaster.

The Defense Department appealed the case to the Supreme Court last winter, and the court heard arguments in December. During those arguments, E. Joshua Rosenkranz, a lawyer for the law-school coalition, said the Solomon amendment imposed unconstitutional conditions on the receipt of federal funds by forcing law schools to choose between federal aid and their constitutional rights.

Paul D. Clement, the Justice Department's solicitor general, replied that the amendment's "equal access" requirement was an ordinary contractual condition, no different than the strings routinely attached to gifts and bequests. He noted that law schools remained free to criticize the military's policies and could even bar recruiters from their campuses if they were willing to forgo federal funds.

In its ruling, the Supreme Court sided with the government, finding that Congress did not exceed constitutional limits on its power when it enacted the legislation.

"The Solomon amendment neither limits what law schools may say nor requires them to say anything," Justice Roberts wrote for the court. "Law schools remain free under the statute to express whatever views they may have on the military's Congressionally mandated employment policy, all the while retaining eligibility for federal funds."

Dozens of groups filed briefs in the case, including the American Association of University Professors, which argued that the law interferes with academic self-governance.

Another brief, submitted by a group of Harvard University professors, contended that the Defense Department had misinterpreted the law to require preferential treatment for recruiters. The department's "statutory argument," the professors said, held that the law had been written to apply "only to policies that single out military recruiters for special disfavored treatment, not evenhanded policies that incidentally affect the military."

The Supreme Court rejected that argument, finding that the law had been written to ensure military recruiters the same access as employers who comply with a law school's nondiscrimination policy.

The case has attracted the attention of Congress, which passed the Solomon amendment in 1994 -- its chief sponsor was the late Rep. Gerald B.H. Solomon of New York -- and has expanded its reach several times since then.

Some lawmakers said they worried that if the Solomon amendment were struck down, Congress could lose its ability to attach conditions to federal funds -- the sacred "power of the purse." One of the amendment's original sponsors, Rep. Richard Pombo, a Republican from California, filed a brief supporting the Pentagon's position through the Mountain States Legal Foundation.

The ruling's unanimity was one of its most remarkable feature, given that the free-speech and nondiscrimination arguments made by the law schools were considered likely to appeal to the court's more-liberal members. Perhaps in part, the outcome reflects the court's general deference to the military's views of its needs, especially at a time of war.

Copyright (c) 2006 by The Chronicle of Higher Education

Monday, March 06, 2006

The Bush Dynasty

Richard Bush

Richard Bush (1696/1697–September 27, 1732) was the father of Timothy Bush. He is believed to be the oldest known member of the Bush family in North America. He died in 1732 at Bristol, Rhode Island. Richard married Mary Fairbanks, daughter of Jeremiah Fairbanks and Mary Penfield. Mary Fairbanks was born on 22 August 1699 and died on 7 May 1743 in Bristol, Rhode Island.

Timothy Bush

Timothy Bush (1735–1815 in Springport, New York) was the father of Timothy Bush Jr. Timothy married Deborah House, daughter of John House and Deborah Guild, on 12 April 1759 in Hebron, Connecticut. (Deborah House was born on 6 April 1742 in Lebanon, Connecticut and died about 1819 in Springport, New York.)

Timothy Bush Jr.

Timothy Bush Jr. (April 1, 1761–1850) was the father of Obadiah Newcomb Bush. Timothy married Lydia Newcomb, daughter of Daniel Newcomb and Elizabeth May, on 26 July 1791 in Penfield, New York. (Lydia Newcomb was born on 28 April 1763 and died on 14 September 1835 in Penfield, New York.)
According to the book The Faith of George W. Bush:

"... left his home during the War of 1812, became a schoolmaster, then caught gold fever and left for California during the Gold Rush of 1849. Two years later, he tried to return home to reclaim his family and take them west. He died in the attempt, though, and was buried at sea. leaving his wife and seven children alone in Rochester, New York."

Obadiah Newcomb Bush
Obadiah Newcomb Bush (January 28, 1797–1851) was the father of James Smith Bush (1825-1869), grandfather of Samuel Prescott Bush and is great great great grandfather of President George W. Bush.

James Smith Bush (June 15, 1825 Rochester, New York – November 11, 1889 Ithaca, New York) was an Episcopal priest and father of Samuel Prescott Bush, grandfather of Prescott Sheldon Bush, great-grandfather of George H. W. Bush, and great-great-grandfather of George W. Bush. He was married to Harriet Fay. He was the child of Obadiah Newcomb Bush and Harriet Smith (1800 - 1867).

George Bush (June 12, 1796 – September 19, 1859)

Samuel Prescott Bush(October 4, 1863 Brick Church, New Jersey1 – February 8, 1948 Columbus, Ohio)

Prescott Sheldon Bush
(born May 15, 1895 in Columbus, Ohio — died October 8, 1972 in New York City, New York,) was a United States Senator from Connecticut and a Wall Street executive banker with Brown Brothers Harriman.

George Herbert Walker Bush

The Bush family enjoys a game of tee ball on the White House lawn on June 3, 2001. From left to right are Barbara Bush, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, former President George H.W. Bush, Laura Bush and President George W. Bush. White House photo by Eric Draper

George Walker Bush

Originating in Columbus, Ohio, the Bush family has developed into one of the most accomplished political families of the 20th century. Other important individuals in the Bush family tree include the Spencer family that produced Diana, Princess of Wales, which makes George W. Bush a 17th cousin to Prince William of Wales. The great great great grandmother of President George W. Bush, Harriet Smith (wife of Obidiah Newcomb Bush's wife) and her descendants, are distant cousins of John Kerry.

First Generation:
1. George Walker BUSH was born on 6 Jul 1946 in New Haven, Connecticut. George Walker BUSH married:

Laura Lane Welch on 5 November 1977 in First United Memorial Church, Midland, Texas. Laura WELCH was born on 4 November 1946 to Harold Bruch WELCH and Jenna Louise (Hawkins) WELCH.

Second Generation:

2. George Herbert Walker BUSH was born on 12 Jun 1924 in Milton, Massachusetts.1 George Herbert Walker BUSH and Barbara PIERCE were married on 6 Jan 1945 in Rye, Westchester County, New York.1

3. Barbara PIERCE was born on 8 Jun 1925 in Rye, Westchester County, New York. George Herbert Walker BUSH and Barbara PIERCE had the following children:

1 i. George Walker BUSH

Third Generation:

4. Prescott Sheldon BUSH was born on 15 May 1895 in Columbus, Ohio.2 Between 1952 and 1963 he was an U.S. Senator. He died of lung cancer on 8 Oct 1972 in New York City, New York.2 Prescott Sheldon BUSH and Dorothy WALKER were married on 6 Aug 1921 in Kennebunkport, Maine.2

5. Dorothy WALKER3,4 was born on 1 Jul 1901 in Missouri.2 She died on 19 Nov 1992 in Greenwich, Connecticut.2 Prescott Sheldon BUSH and Dorothy WALKER had the following children:

i. Prescott Sheldon (Pres) BUSH Jr was born on 10 Aug 1922.2
2 ii. George Herbert Walker BUSH.
iii. Nancy BUSH was born on 3 Feb 1926.2
iv. Jonathan James BUSH was born on 6 May 1931.2
v. William Henry Trotter ('Buck' or 'Bucky') BUSH was born on 14 Jul 1938.2

6. Marvin PIERCE was born on 17 Jun 1893 in Sharpsville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania. He died on 17 Jul 1969 in Rye, Westchester County, New York. Marvin PIERCE and Pauline ROBINSON were married in Aug 1918.

7. Pauline ROBINSON was born in Apr 1896 in Ohio. She died from injuries suffered in a car accident on 23 Sep 1949 in Rye, Westchester County, New York. Marvin PIERCE and Pauline ROBINSON had the following children:

i. Martha PIERCE was born in 1920.
ii. James Robinson PIERCE was born in 1921.
3 iii. Barbara PIERCE

Fourth Generation:
8. Samuel Prescott BUSH2 was born on 4 Oct 1863 in Brick Chuch, New Jersey.2 He died on 8 Feb 1948 in Columbus, Ohio. Samuel Prescott BUSH and Flora SHELDON were married on 20 Jun 1894 in Columbus, Ohio.

9. Flora SHELDON was born on 17 Mar 1872 in Franklin Co, Ohio. She died on 4 Sep 1920 in Watch Hill, Rhode Island. Samuel Prescott BUSH and Flora SHELDON had the following children:

4 i. Prescott Sheldon BUSH

10. George Herbert WALKER was born on 11 Jun 1875 in St. Louis, Missouri. He died on 24 Jun 1953 in New York City, New York. George Herbert WALKER and Lucretia (Loulie) WEAR were married on 17 Jan 1899 in St. Louis, Missouri.

11. Lucretia (Loulie) WEAR was born on 17 Sep 1874 in St. Louis, Missouri. She died on 28 Aug 1961 in Biddeford, Maine. George Herbert WALKER and Lucretia (Loulie) WEAR had the following children:

5 i. Dorothy WALKER

12. Scott PIERCE was born on 18 Jan 1866 in Sharpsville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania.3 Scott PIERCE and Mabel MARVIN were married on 26 Nov 1891.

13. Mabel MARVIN was born on 4 Jun 1869 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Scott PIERCE and Mabel MARVIN had the following children:

6 i. Marvin PIERCE. ii. Charlotte PIERCE was born on 30 Sep 1894.4 She died on 15 Aug 1971 in Dayton, Ohio.4

14. James Edgar ROBINSON was born on 15 Aug 1868 in Marysville, Ohio. He died in 1931. James Edgar ROBINSON and Lula Dell FLICKINGER were married on 31 Mar 1895 in Marion County, Ohio.

15. Lula Dell FLICKINGER was born in Mar 1875 in Byhalia, Ohio. James Edgar ROBINSON and Lula Dell FLICKINGER had the following children:

7 i. Pauline ROBINSON
Fifth Generation:

16. Rev. James Smith BUSH5,9 was born on 15 Jun 1825 in Rochester, New York. He died on 11 Nov 1889 in Ithaca, New York. Rev. James Smith BUSH and Harriet Eleanor FAY were married on 24 Feb 1859 in Trinity Church, New York City, New York.10

17. Harriet Eleanor FAY11-14 was born on 29 Oct 1829 in Savannah, Georgia.10 She died on 27 Feb 1921 in Boston, Massachusetts.10 Rev. James Smith BUSH and Harriet Eleanor FAY had the following children:

i. James F. BUSH15,16 was born in 1860 in New Jersey.5,16
8 ii. Samuel Prescott BUSH

18. Robert Emmet SHELDON17 was born on 1 Jun 1845 in Tiffin, Ohio. He died on 21 Jan 1917 in Columbus, Ohio. Robert Emmet SHELDON and Mary Elizabeth BUTLER were married on 24 Feb 1869 in Columbus, Ohio.

19. Mary Elizabeth BUTLER17 was born on 15 Jul 1850 in Columbus, Ohio. She died on 16 Jan 1897 in Columbus, Ohio. Robert Emmet SHELDON and Mary Elizabeth BUTLER had the following children:

9 i. Flora SHELDON

20. David Davis WALKER was born on 19 Jan 1840 in Bloomington, Illinois. He died on 4 Oct 1918 in Kennebunkport, Maine. David Davis WALKER and Martha Adela BEAKY were married on 15 Dec 1862 in St. Louis, Missouri.

21. Martha Adela BEAKY was born on 1 Jun 1841 in Emmitsburg, Maryland. She died on 1 Jul 1917. David Davis WALKER and Martha Adela BEAKY had the following children:

10 i. George Herbert WALKER

22. James Huthenson WEAR was born on 30 Sep 1838 in Otterville, Missouri. He died on 14 Sep 1893 in St. Louis, Missouri. James Huthenson WEAR and Nancy Eliza HOLLIDAY were married on 4 Dec 1866 in St. Louis, Missouri.

23. Nancy Eliza HOLLIDAY was born on 17 Sep 1847 in Hannibal, Missouri. She died on 25 Feb 1942 in St. Louis, Missouri. James Huthenson WEAR and Nancy Eliza HOLLIDAY had the following children:

11 i. Lucretia (Loulie) WEAR

24. Jonas James PIERCE7 was born on 23 Sep 1839 in Swanzey, Cheshire County, New Hampshire.18 He served in the military between 24 Jan 1862 and 14 Jul 1862 in Mercer County, Pennsylvania. In 1870 he was an Iron Master in Hickory, Mercer County, Pennsylvania.7 He died on 3 Mar 1913 in Sharpsville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Jonas James PIERCE and Katherine (Kate) PRITZL were married on 6 Apr 1865.8,18,19

25. Katherine (Kate) PRITZL7 was born on 19 Dec 1841 in Zweizel, Baden, Germany.8 She died on 24 Dec 1931 in Montgomery County, Ohio.20 Jonas James PIERCE and Kate PRITZL had the following children:

12 i. Scott PIERCE
ii. James Anton PIERCE was born on 27 Oct 1867.7,8
iii. Chloe H. PIERCE was born on 25 Jun 1869.7,8
iv. Jonas J. PIERCE was born on 5 Aug 1874.8
v. Frederick P. PIERCE was born on 11 Mar 1880.8

26. Jerome Place MARVIN was born on 20 Feb 1846 in Harrison, Hamilton County, Ohio. He died on 10 Oct 1917 in Harrison, Hamilton County, Ohio. Jerome Place MARVIN and Martha Ann STOKES were married on 16 Apr 1868 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

27. Martha Ann STOKES was born on 19 Apr 1847 in Preston, Ohio. She died on 4 Apr 1925 in Hamilton County, Ohio. Jerome Place MARVIN and Martha Ann STOKES had the following children:

13 i. Mabel MARVIN

28. John William ROBINSON was born on 11 Jan 1831 in Milford Center, Ohio. He died in 1919. John William ROBINSON and Sarah COE were married on 8 Feb 1855 in Union County, Ohio.

29. Sarah COE died on 30 May 1901. She was born 24 Map 1831 in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. John William ROBINSON and Sarah COE had the following children:

14 i. James Edgar ROBINSON

30. Jacob Marion FLICKINGER was born in 1849 in Tuscarawas County, Ohio. He died on 20 Jan 1917 in Morrow County, Ohio. Jacob Marion FLICKINGER and Sarah HAINES were married in 1872.

31. Sarah HAINES was born in 1855 in Byhalia, Ohio. She died in 1888 in Byhalia, Ohio. Jacob Marion FLICKINGER and Sarah HAINES had the following children:

15 i. Lula Dell FLICKINGER

Sixth Generation:

32. Obadiah Newcomb BUSH21 was born on 28 Jan 1797 in Vermont.21 He died about 1851. Obadiah Newcomb BUSH and Harriet SMITH were married on 8 Nov 1821 in Rochester, New York.

33. Harriet SMITH21 was born on 12 May 1800 in Cambridge, New York. She died on 21 Jun 1867 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Obadiah Newcomb BUSH and Harriet SMITH had the following children:

i. Cornelia BUSH was born about 1823 in New York.21
16 ii. Rev. James Smith BUSH
iii. Elizabeth BUSH was born about 1831 in New York.21
iv. William M. BUSH was born about 1836 in New York.21
v. Sanford BUSH was born about 1844 in New York.21

34. Samuel Howard FAY was born on 21 Jul 1804 in Cambridge, Massachusetts.10 He died on 16 Aug 1847 in Brooklyn, New York.10 Samuel Howard FAY and Susan SHELLMAN were married on 5 Jul 1825 in Savannah, Georgia.10

35. Susan SHELLMAN14 was born on 20 Feb 1808 in Savannah, Georgia.10 She died on 12 Jan 1887.10 Samuel Howard FAY and Susan SHELLMAN had the following children:

i. Anna Maria FAY14 died about 1822.10 She was born on 13 Mar 1828.10
17 ii. Harriet Eleanor FAY
iii. William Gaston FAY14 was born on 13 Dec 1838.10
iv. Susan Elliott FAY14 was born on 31 Dec 1842 in Montpelier, Georgia.10 She died on 19 Nov 1854 in New Haven, Connecticut.10
v. Clara Montfort FAY14 was born on 10 Jul 1845.10

36. Thomas H. SHELDON was born on 12 May 1818 in Providence, Rhode Island. He died on 22 Nov 1854 in Franklin County, Ohio. Thomas H. SHELDON and Martha UNCLES were married on 21 Jan 1844 in Franklin County, Ohio.

37. Martha UNCLES was born on 7 Jan 1824 in Columbus, Ohio. She died on 9 Jul 1912 in Columbus, Ohio. Thomas H. SHELDON and Martha UNCLES had the following children:

18 i. Robert Emmet SHELDON

38. Courtland Philip Livingston BUTLER17 was born on 8 Mar 1813 in Clinton, New York. He died on 9 Aug 1891 in Columbus, Ohio. Courtland Philip Livingston BUTLER and Elizabeth Slade PIERCE were married on 16 Dec 1840 in Buffalo, New York.

39. Elizabeth Slade PIERCE17 was born on 22 Mar 1822 in Providence, Rhode Island. She died on 1 Mar 1901 in Columbus, Ohio. Courtland Philip Livingston BUTLER and Elizabeth Slade PIERCE had the following children:

19 i. Mary Elizabeth BUTLER
ii. Courtland BUTLER was born about 1854.17
iii. Theodore BUTLER was born about 1862.17

40. George E. WALKER22 was born about 1797. He died on 28 Oct 1864 in Bloomington, Illinois. George E. WALKER and Harriet MERCER were married on 22 May 1821 in Baltimore, Maryland.

41. Harriet MERCER22 was born on 30 Jun 1802 in Maryland. She died on 24 Oct 1869 in Bloomington, Illinois. George E. WALKER and Harriet MERCER had the following children:

i. Edward S. WALKER22 was born about 1837 in Maryland.22
20 ii. David Davis WALKER
iii. Rosetta WALKER22 was born about 1842 in Maryland.22

42. Joseph Ambrose BEAKY was born on 14 Jun 1818 in Emmitsburg, Maryland. He died on 27 Jan 1858 in on the Mississippi River while aboard the steamship "Minnehaha." Joseph Ambrose BEAKY and Mary Ann BANGS were married on 1 Jun 1840 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

43. Mary Ann BANGS was born on 15 Jun 1817 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She died after 1876. Joseph Ambrose BEAKY and Mary Ann BANGS had the following children:

21 i. Martha Adela BEAKY

44. William Gault WEAR was born on 11 Dec 1817 in Blount County, Tennessee. He died about 1900 in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. William Gault WEAR and Sarah Amanda YANCEY were married on 2 Nov 1837 in Cooper County, Missouri.

45. Sarah Amanda YANCEY was born on 11 Jun 1819 in Glasgow, Kentucky. She died on 4 Dec 1879 in Cooper County, Missouri. William Gault WEAR and Sarah Amanda YANCEY had the following children:

22 i. James Huthenson WEAR

46. John James HOLLIDAY was born on 23 Jul 1819 in Pike County, Missouri. He died on 18 Sep 1881 in St. Louis, Missouri. John James HOLLIDAY and Lucretia Green FOREE were married 9 May 1843 in Randolph County, Missouri.

47. Lucretia Green FOREE was born on 2 Sep 1822 in Kentucky. John James HOLLIDAY and Lucretia Green FOREE had the following children:

23 i. Nancy Eliza HOLLIDAY

8. Gen. James PIERCE23 was born on 24 Sep 1810 in Swanzey, Cheshire County, New Hampshire.18 He died from illness caused by a fall in his under construction mansion on 2 Dec 1874 in Mount Hickory Farm, Sharpsville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania.18,24 Gen. James PIERCE and Chloe HOLBROOK were married on 1 Jan 1839 in Swanzey, Cheshire County, New Hampshire.18

49. Chloe HOLBROOK23 was born on 20 Mar 1816 in Swanzey, Cheshire County, New Hampshire.18 She died on 16 Aug 1886 in Mercer County, Pennsylvania.18 Gen. James PIERCE and Chloe HOLBROOK had the following children:

24 i. Jonas James PIERCE
ii. Walter PIERCE23 was born on 19 Oct 1842 in Swanzey, Cheshire County, New Hampshire.8,18,23 In 1870 he was a Coal Operator in Hickory, Mercer County, Pennsylvania.23
iii. Wallace PIERCE was born on 19 Oct 1842 in Swanzey, Cheshire County, New Hampshire.8,18
iv. Frank PIERCE was born on 10 Nov 1852 in Sharpsville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania.8
v. James B. PIERCE was born on 2 Sep 1856 in Sharpsville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania.18

50. Anton PRITZL8 was born on 26 Dec 1811 in Amstein, Bavaria, Germany. He died in 1844 in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Anton PRITZL and Maryie Louise PASQUAY were married.

51. Maryie Louise PASQUAY8 was born on 21 Jan 1812 in Toulon, France. She died on 30 Nov 1877 in Hamilton County, Ohio. Anton PRITZL and Maryie Louise PASQUAY had the following children:

25 i. Katherine (Kate) PRITZL

52. Samuel Ross MARVIN was born on 5 Jun 1804 in Dover, New Jersey. He died on 29 Jun 1863. Samuel Ross MARVIN and Julia Ann PLACE were married on 17 Apr 1842.

53. Julia Ann PLACE was born on 23 Jul 1808 in Oxford, New York. She died on 4 Jul 1884. Samuel Ross MARVIN and Julia Ann PLACE had the following children:

26 i. Jerome Place MARVIN

54. Richard M. STOKES was born on 28 May 1818 in Maryland. He died on 20 Jul 1898 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Richard M. STOKES and Julia Ann MYERS were married.

55. Julia Ann MYERS was born on 17 Mar 1826 in Hamilton County, Ohio. She died on 21 Oct 1858 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Richard M. STOKES and Julia Ann MYERS had the following children:

27 i. Martha Ann STOKES

56. John Wilson ROBINSON was born in Feb 1803 in Washington County, Pennsylvania. He died in 1853 in Union County, Ohio. John Wilson ROBINSON and Elizabeth MITCHELL were married on 28 Aug 1823 in Union County, Ohio.

57. Elizabeth MITCHELL was born on 28 May 1803 in Union County, Ohio. She died on 18 Feb 1872 in Union County, Ohio. John Wilson ROBINSON and Elizabeth MITCHELL had the following children:

28 i. John William ROBINSON

58. Daniel COE was born on 3 Mar 1801 in Washington County, Pennsylvania. He died on 17 Jan 1851 in Milford, Ohio. Daniel COE and Mary GLADDEN were married on 11 Apr 1822 in Jefferson County, Ohio. 59. Mary GLADDEN was born on 18 Jan 1804 in Jefferson County, Ohio. She died on 28 Apr 1893 in Milford Center, Ohio. Daniel COE and Mary GLADDEN had the following children: 29 i. Sarah COE.60. Stephen FLICKINGER was born on 4 May 1823 in Tuscarawas County, Ohio. He died on 22 Jan 1869 in York Township, Union County, Ohio. Stephen FLICKINGER and Margaret Ann FIGLEY were married on 7 Aug 1845 in Tuscarawas County, Ohio.

61. Margaret Ann FIGLEY was born on 23 Dec 1825 in Tuscarawas County, Ohio. She died in 1886 in York, Ohio. Stephen FLICKINGER and Margaret Ann FIGLEY had the following children:

30 i. Jacob Marion FLICKINGER

62. Jonathan HAINES was born about 1819 in Ohio. Jonathan HAINES and Mary Jane SPRAGUE were married on 15 Mar 1840 in Champaign County, Ohio.

63. Mary Jane SPRAGUE was born about 1823 in Ohio. She died between 1852 and 1857 in Byhalia, Champaign County, Ohio. Jonathan HAINES and Mary Jane SPRAGUE had the following children:

31 i. Sarah HAINES

BeFoRe YoU EnLiSt Watch this film !

See Film Snipit Right Here

Books not Bombs


As the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq approaches, the war's impact on our generation is increasingly alarming:

- The vast majority of US troops killed in Iraq have been youth of college-age (18-25)

- Military recruiters have escalated their aggressive and deceptive campaigns in our schools, preying upon young people as the Pentagon struggles to enlist enough youth to fight a war based on lies.

- The war's soaring cost (nearly $400 billion!) has forced massive budget cuts, leaving young people with under-funded schools, diminishing social services and fewer alternatives to the military.

- The President has now announced he plans to make this a "long war" with no end in sight, burdening OUR generation with ongoing violence and growing national debt.

*But young people all over the country are organizing and fighting back!

*On March 16, as part of the *United for Peace & Justice* week of anti-war resistance (Mar. 15-22), the *NATIONAL YOUTH & STUDENT PEACE COALITION*(NYSPC) is joining with our allies across the movement to call for a national day of youth- and student-led cultural resistance against three years of needless war.

We are calling for creative grassroots actions across the country to demand an end to this occupation, as it becomes more deadly, costly and disastrous each day. Outraged by the war's soaring costs to our communities, and the war machine's endless grip on our economy, we will organize opposition to war and militarism by amplifying the youth movement's call for Books Not Bombs! Young people everywhere will organize locally to demand that our leaders stop funding this illegal occupation, which is robbing us of resources we need for schools, services and real alternatives to military enlistment.


***Raise Your Voice!**

*On March 16, as part of a week of national resistance to the war, we are urging young people to organize open-mic nights, anti-war concerts and other creative forums where our generation can raise our voices against the Bush Administration's reckless policies of greed and destruction.

By organizing unified local efforts across the country, we can build the youth movement's power to speak out against the impact of endless militarism on our generation.

- It is our peers losing their lives for Bush's lies.
- It is our schools that have been invaded by aggressive military recruiters.
- And it is our opportunities for education and job training that are being slashed to fund war.

Now it is OUR generation that must rise up to SPEAK OUT against endless war!

So start organizing an open-mic night, anti-war concert, teach-in, speak out or other event in your area – or do something completely different! The important thing is that this day of resistance brings forward the unique voices, demands and creative ideas of our generation. And this means we need to hear from YOU to make this day a national success! So check out to get in touch and access a bunch of organizing tools. You can use our website to:

* Register and publicize your local Books Not Bombs event.
* Endorse the Books Not Bombs National Day of Resistance.
* Learn about/connect with other Books Not Bombs events around the country and in your area.
* Download organizing resources, media tips, petitions, postcards and more.
* Find other youth-led peace and justice groups, counter-recruitment links, and more.
* Help us build a massive and powerful National Day of Resistance!

***Take It to Congress!***

While we have taken our resistance to the streets for more than three years, now is the time to take it to Congress. With the 2006 elections just around the corner, we need to send our elected leaders a clear message: if you will not pay attention to young people's demands, then get out of our way! NYSPC will provide organizing resources to all
local participants, including petitions, postcards and sample letters you can use to collect stacks of signatures, calling upon your reps to end this occupation and stop the cycle of endless war by voting to fund books not bombs!

Immediately following the third anniversary of the war, Members of Congress will be in their local districts (your neighborhoods!) from March 20 to 24. This is the perfect time for you to take all the postcards, petitions and letters you get signed at your events on the 16th and hand-deliver them to the Congressional office in your district! We must
make our voices heard, from our campuses and communities to Capitol Hill!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

History of Iraq and Saddam USA, CIA, & AID

Thanks for the Memories

Here is a video historical perspective of Iraq and Saddam Hussein! The news said when Saddam Hussein was captured We Got him! This clip tells us better, We always had him!

Halliburton Corporation - Connect the Dots!


How many of your tax dollars help this BushCo Family!

US Soldiers Speaking Tour of Ireland

US soldiers speaking tour of Ireland:
Stop the US war & torture machine tour

The Irish Anti-War Movement is pleased to announce a national speaking tour of 18 meetings by two US soldiers - Frank Corcoran (Vietnam Veterans Against War) and Benjamin Hart Viges (Iraq Veterans Against the War). They will address meetings in most major cities and towns as well as every major university in Ireland.

Benjamin Hart Viges said, "I am a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War and Veterans for Peace. I was with the 82nd Airborne Division as a Mortarman when my unit was deployed to Iraq in Febuary 2003."

"I joined up the day after September the 11th 2001. I saw action in Fallujah and Baghdad. My mortar platoon dropped numerous rounds on the town of Samawa during the start of the invasion. I don't know how many innocents I killed with my mortar rounds."

"I was so disgusted by the war that after we came home in January 2004, I filed for Conscientious Objector status and received CO status in December 2004. I'm a Christian, what was I doing holding a gun to another human being?"

Frank Corcoran served with the Marines in 1968 in Vietnam. He said, "I have been a member of Philadelphia Veterans For Peace since 1990, I have also been active in the School of Americas Watch campaign for 10-12 years. I am a cancer victim because of exposure to Agent Orange while in Vietnam. I am an elementary school teacher for the past 20 years. I'm a Iraq Veterans Against War (IVAW) board member and a volunteer staff member for IVAW for the past year and a half."

"I wasn't long in Vietnam before my two best friends were killed. It was a long time before I could talk about what happened to me in Vietnam. But now I want to tell his story has much as I can."

"In 2000 I travelled to Iraq to help repair a water treatment plant destroyed by US bombing. I regularly speak at schools to help convince American children not to join the army when they are older."

This national tour is part of the build-up to the international peace protest on March 18th 2006. On that day every capital city on the planet will hold a demonstration against the US led war and occupation of Iraq. In Ireland the anti-war movement will also be calling for an end to CIA torture flights through our airspace and an end to the use of Shannon Airport by the US Military. This year alone over 300,000 US troops have passed through Shannon Airport. The March 18 demonstration in Ireland will take place at 2pm from Parnell Square, Dublin.

Tour dates:

Monday February 27 ------------------
8.30pm Monday 27th February, Imperial Hotel, Dundalk Contact: Dave McGaughan 0871215344 for more information

Tuesday Feb 28 --------------
1pm Room 4050 Arts Block Trinity College Dublin Contact Tommy Williams 0876890086 for more information
7.30pm Tuesday 28th February, Genoa Cafe, Costume Place, Athlone Contact Dave McKay 0872034150 for more information

Wednesday 1st March -------------------
1pm Theatre E Science Block University College Dublin Contact Alan Byrne 0877750238 for more information
7pm ATGWU Hall 35-37 Middle Abbey St, Dublin 1 Contact Donal Mac Fhearraigh 0876838746 for more information

Thursday 2nd March ------------------
1pm Thursday 2nd March, Room 211 Peter Froggatt Centre Queens University Contact Sean Mitchell +44 771 7123462 for more information
7pm Thursday 2nd March, Transport House, High Street, Belfast Contact Sean Mitchell +44 771 7123462 for more information

Friday 3rd March ----------------
5pm Friday 3nd March, Badgers Bar, Orchard St, Derry Contact Goretti Horgan +44 797 3528772 for more information

Saturday 4th March -------------------
Sligo - Contact Cllr Declan Bree 071-9145490 for information
7pm speaking at Marxism 2006 conference, Arts Block, Trinity College Dublin "Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran: Resisting the American Empire". Other speakers include: Sami Ramadami (Iraqi Democrats against Occupation), Roudabeh Shafie (Action Iran) and Richard Boyd Barrett (Irish Anti-War Movement)

Monday 6th March -----------------
6pm Limerick City, venue tbc Contact Mala O'Donohue 0877997506 for more information

Tuesday 7th March ------------------
6pm National University of Ireland Galway Contact Kiran Emlich 0868443695 for more information
8.15pm Tuesday 7th March, Menlow Park Hotel, Galway Contact Niall Farrell 0879159787 for more information

Wednesday 8th March -------------------
1pm University College Cork Contact Gavin Ryan 0871305878 for more information
8pm Wednesday 8th March, An Spailpin Fanach, South Main Street, Cork Contact Joe Moore 0872994796 for more information

Thursday 9th March ------------------
8pm Thursday 9th March, Grand Hotel, Tralee Contact Kieran McNulty 0876716009 for more information

Friday 10th March ------------------
8pm Friday 10th March, The Granville Hotel, Waterford Contact Deccy Cheasty 051852047 for more information

Saturday 11th March --------------------
Screening of film 'Hearts and Minds' about the Vietnam war, introduced by Frank Corcoran, 12 noon Dublin in the Irish Film Centre, Eustace St, Dublin 2 Contact Jim Roche 0876472737 for more information