Cape Codders come out against this war! Sunday was the 2nd most bloodiest with over 27 American GI's DEAD, and over 100 Iraqis. ENOUGH! You can do something about this. March on Washington, DC this weekend. Bus will leave from Orleans on Friday Evening January 26th from Staples Shopping Center 7PM, returns from Washington on Sunday at Noon time, January 28th. Tickets $65. Round trip!
Call Earth House at (508) 240-0257 for more information!
Mobilize Thursday at the Earth House to make Banners and Posters.
If you can't go donate materials and art and crafts. Empower yourself and your neighbors to SAY NO MORE TROOPS! Bring them Home - Now!
Join Carlos Arredondo, with his Camp Alex on the steps of the US Capital. His truck with flag draped coffin will lead the Massachusetts Delegation.
Also in Boston Banner Making Party! on Mon. Jan 22, 6:30,11 Garden St, Harvard Sq. Mobilize for DC March Join Peace Action, for Peace and Pizza. Bring your favorite slogans and arts and crafts supplies - markers, canvas, paints, poster board, etc. (Materials will also be provided.) RSVP to help give us a count for pizza and supplies members@masspeaceaction.org or 617.354.2169 - though anyone is welcome to drop by, as well! Mass Peace Action, First Congregational Church, 11 Garden St, Cambridge (Harvard Square T)Citywide Meeting!!
Come on Wed. Jan. 24. Hear more about the rally, march and lobbying in Washington DC Jan.27-29. Meet up with others who are going! At the Democracy Center, 45 Mt Auburn St, Harvard Sq 6:30-8:00 People may also buy bus tickets (if there are any left). We will also have information about solidarity events in the Boston region. Let's mobilize together to end the war!