Oh I saw this while going to work and then I also saw this posted on Michael Moore's web site. Congratulations to WHOEVER did this outward sign of TRUTH! 3000 RIP, but not us!
SAY NO TO MORE TROOPS! Nationwide Protests This Thursday January 9th, 2007 |
TIME FOR A SURGE OF OPPOSITION TO BUSH'S WAR ESCALATION Hard to believe, but in a primetime televised speech on Wednesday evening, President Bush will announce his plans to send more troops into Iraq. We don't know for sure, but he could be planning to send at least 20,000 more troops, and the numbers could be even higher. Whatever the numbers are, the Bush administration is once again moving in the wrong direction. In November the voters elected a new Congress with a clear mandate: End this war! The people of this country want the war to end and we do NOT want more troops sent to Iraq. We need to act quickly and in large numbers to oppose this escalation. United for Peace and Justice has joined an effort initiated by Win Without War and True Majority to encourage as many local actions in communities all around the country this Thursday, the day after Bush announces his plans. We need to be visible and vocal. Our message must be heard by the White House and by the Congress. NO more troops, end this war now! Take a moment right now to find out what's already planned in your area. And if you don't see anything listed yet, then plan your own activity and be sure to list it. It's very easy to host something and a lot of the legwork has already been done, including compiling an event organizing kit with resources and tips for making your activity a success. This wave of activity all around the nation on Thursday can be a critically important opportunity for helping to get the word out about the Jan. 27-29 mobilization in Washington, DC. Momentum is building for what promises to be a politically crucial demonstration. People from all around the nation will be gathering in Washington to send the strongest message possible: It is time to bring the troops home; it is time to end the war in Iraq! There is still much work to do in these last few weeks. Most importantly, we need to make sure everyone knows this demonstration is taking place. Imagine how you'll feel in the days following the mobilization when people tell you they would have also been in Washington if only they had known about the mobilization! Let's now use every opportunity, every opening we have to spread the word.
It's also important that we organize as many people as possible to stay in Washington, DC, for the national Congressional Lobby Day on Monday, Jan., 29th. You can find out more about this timely effort and how you can get involved by clicking here. Please be sure to let us know if you are organizing transportation from your area to Washington, DC. You can add the information about buses, trains, car pools, etc. on to our transportation board on the UFPJ website. We need this information as soon as possible ... thanks! Finally, we appreciate the financial support that many of you are giving to this effort. At the same time, there are tremendous expenses involved in putting together such a massive event. If you have not donated yet, please consider doing so right now! The money you send today will immediately be put to good use. Thanks so much. |
If you could not make it to Hyannis this morning here are other local venues:
For Harwich today Thursday, January 11, 5pm - 6pm in front of Town Hall
For Chatham today Thursday, January 11, 5pm - 6pm
Vigil in front of Chatham Town Offices 5pm
For Wellfleet Rally/ Vigil / Circle / Candles
Circle ...tomorrow night in front of Wellfleet Town Hall
5pm - 6pm
For Orleans Rally will be held Friday, January 12, at 4pm in Orleans.
Traffic lights at intersection of Route 6A and Main Street, downtown Orleans
Intersection of Rte. 6A and Main Street at traffic lights, downtown Orleans.
THIS EVENT IS JAN. 12, 4 TO 6 P.M. Line up single file with your own signs on the sidewalks on Route 6A and Main Street near the traffic lights, on and near the three corners described below. Bring a sign saying NO MORE TROOPS, NO WAR ESCALATION, or some such. NO CANDLES PLEASE. AREA LIGHTS AND HEADLIGHTS WILL ILLUMINATE.
Weekly CCPJ vigil in front of Rep. Bill Delahunt's office
3-4 Friday in Hyannis.