Cape Codders for Peace & Justice & more!
PRESS RELEASE: CONTACT: (508) 432-0545, 432-4757, 274-4715
Wednesday, January 10, 2006
Cape Cod to say NO! to Bush’s Iraq War Escalation
Action Planned at Airport Rotary in Hyannis
Linked to Dozens of Cities in Nationwide Action
Revolutionary Use of Internet Tool Calls for Immediate Congressional Action
Within 24 hours of President Bush’s announcement of an escalation of troops in Iraq, Cape Cod residents and others around the country will hold events and upload personal YouTube appeals and photos calling on their member of Congress to say “No!” to the President’s new plan.
Cape Cod area participants have begun to download “NO!” signs, and to circulate petitions urging Congress to exercise it’s power of the purse to block any escalation of the war in Iraq, while providing sufficient funds for a safe and secure exit for U.S. troops in 2007. They are preparing to do battle in Congress over the President’s request for supplemental funds to ensure that no money can be used to increase U.S. troop levels in Iraq.
The President’s willful disregard of last November’s mandate to get U.S. troops out of Iraq has sparked a series of events which, in addition to the “NO!” campaign, will include a massive protest march in Washington, DC on January 27th . CCP&J has buses going directly to Washington, DC, costing $65. roundtrip. For more information call Diane Turco at (508) 432-1744. A grass-roots day of lobbying members of Congress is planned for January 29th at the Capitol.
Cape Codder’s for Peace & Justice will hold it’s next monthly meeting this Saturday, January 13th, at Yarmouth Friends (Quaker) Meetinghouse, 58 North Main St, South Yarmouth, MA 10AM – 12 Noon all are welcomed!
In his primetime address Wednesday, the President called for an escalation of 20,000 more troops, which sharply conflicts with the sentiment of the majority of Americans according to recent polls and the mid-term election results.
WHAT: Protest Rally Where is our consciousness? Come all ye now!
WHO: You, me, Cape Codder’s opposing this war, Students, Churches, Cape Cod Times readers, Talk Radio Listeners, Veterans, Mothers, Dads, students and retired folk.
WHERE: Hyannis Airport Rotary
WHEN: Thursday Morning, January 11th, 8:00 am – 9:30 am
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