Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Delahunt in P-Town on Friday Night Let's chat about HR 508!

Petition for Congressman William Delahunt calling for him to co-sponsor, and sign on to HR 508!

Cape Cod Students for Peace, Cape Codders for Peace & Justice, Cape Cod Peace Bus, Vietnam Veterans Against the War Again, Progressive Democrats, and Independents and war-weary Republicans as well as independent non-affiliated citizens of Cape Cod.

H.R.508 Title: To require United States military disengagement from Iraq, to provide United States assistance for reconstruction and reconciliation in Iraq, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] (introduced 1/17/2007)

Latest Major Action: 1/17/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services, Veterans' Affairs, Rules, and the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

Congressman Bill Delahunt will be in the district this Friday night at Napi's Restaurant Feb 2, 2007 from 5;30 pm - 7:30 pm for a "Fire Side Chat" Let's get folks out to speak to him about signing on to HR 508! Call John Bangert (508) 432-0545

Click here for Virtural Petition for HR 508

This just in from Mark Forrest congressional aide to William Delahunt. Thank you. But we also need and want our representative to join Barney Frank in the Massachusetts delegates to join on to HR 508 as well.

This was introduced today. HR 746
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

-----Original Message-----
From: Forest, Mark
To: Forest, Mark
Sent: Wed Jan 31 19:32:08 2007

Just wanted you to know that this bill was introduced today.

Delahunt is an original co-sponsor.

Rep. James P. McGovern (MA-3)
110th Congress

1) 30 days after enactment, the U.S. shall begin the safe and orderly withdrawal of all U.S. Armed Forces from Iraq;

2) Withdrawal to be completed within 180 days;

3) Withdrawal will be paid for by already appropriated funds; and

4) Upon completion of the withdrawal, all funds for deployment of U.S. Armed Forces in Iraq shall be terminated.

Exceptions include:

1) Military personnel assigned to the security of the U.S. Embassy in Iraq and U.S. diplomatic personnel; and

2) At the request of the Government of Iraq, members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may remain in Iraq in order to complete reconstruction projects currently in process.

Other provisions of the legislation:

1) The number of troops may not be increased during the period of withdrawal;

2) Nothing in the bill restricts the locations outside of Iraq to which units and members of the Armed Forces may be redeployed, including nearby countries or Afghanistan/Operation Enduring Freedom;

3) U.S. facilities, bases, etc. will be transferred to the authority of the Government of Iraq as part of the orderly withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq;

4) The bill does not prohibit the Department of Defense from providing financial assistance and equipment to the Iraqi armed forces and/or to a multinational force, at the request of the Government of Iraq; and

5) Nothing in this act prohibits non-Defense Department funding for social and economic reconstruction.

Mark Forest
Chief of Staff
Congressman Bill Delahunt (Ma-10th)