Monday, January 15, 2007

Meet the Cape Cod Press

Cape Cod Times
January 15, 2007
March on Washington to unplug this war

Two Cape Codders For Peace and Justice Strike Up the Band!

Diane Turco & Joe Bangert

Kudos to Sen. Edward Kennedy and Rep. James McGovern for putting into proper perspective the issue of peace versus Bush̢۪s bellicose plea for another failed escalation of hostilities in Iraq.

There is no wriggle room here, and as the 110th Congress will verify after the populist Jan. 27 March on Washington, the American people desire an immediate end to this unnecessary war and definitely, absolutely, no way will we stand for an escalation of troops to enter Bush̢۪s debacle in the desert.

Many of us with gray on our roofs experienced firsthand how to unplug a futile and useless war on countless occasions: the late war in Vietnam, and the little dirty low-intensity wars against our American neighbors in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala.
I urge any and all Cape Codders to help unplug this insane folly of Bush to march on Washington on Jan. 27 to bring the mandate for peace home and into the portals of power. End the war in Iraq now!

Let's unplug this war the old-fashioned way, with boots on the ground in D.C. Forward March!

Joe Bangert
Vietnam Veteran Against the War (Again)

Exploits in insanity, over and over again
Give Iraq one more try? Albert Einstein said it best – insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Diane Turco