Thursday, January 11, 2007

Surge the Press!

January 11, 2007

War protesters: “The Surge is a Lie”

John Bangert of Harwich shouted the names of New Englanders killed in the Iraq War into the freezing wind at the Hyannis Rotary this morning.

He was one of 13 members of Cape Codders for Peace and Justice to stage an anti-war protest at the rotary in response to President Bush’s speech last night calling for more troops in Iraq.

“The Surge is a Lie,” read a sign held by Dan Corrigan of Harwich.

“We’ve been buying Bush’s lies for long enough. It’s time for him to accept reality,” he said. “Bush has been the direct cause of hundreds of thousands of human deaths.”

Bangert said he was disgusted that Bush’s speech didn’t mention the United Nations. “It’s inexcusable,” he said. “Enough is enough.”

His brother, Joe Bangert of Brewster, a Vietnam vet, said Cape Codders for Peace and Justice stood at the same rotary four years ago on another freezing day to protest the imminent war in Iraq. The war has taken too big a toll in American lives and treasure, he said.

The response from drivers has been mostly supportive,” Joe Bangert said. “There are a few macho guys who aren’t.”

Right after he said that, big truck heading into the rotary honked in support.

- By Cynthia McCormick